A Lifelong Friend and Colleague

Created by Kate 3 years ago

I have known Christopher for over fifty years.   A wonderful friend, first to my father with whom he worked  on property management and sales and then my two sisters and I.    Over the years he was a great confidant who could make you laugh and cry but who never let you down when you needed him professionally or as a friend.    His tell tale way of cutting you off in mid sentence very brusquely, when he was bored with the conversation, made me laugh over the years and he thought it funny,  when I told him to be a bit kinder with his sign off, but he never changed.

Despite challenges with his health, his career he never lost his sense of humour which was a blessing.   When he met and married Val, I had never seen him so happy and Val was the best medicine he could have ever had, seeing him through the most trying of times.   I shall miss him greatly, no more "can I pick your brains" or him ringing me to pick my brains and after which we gossiped for ages.   

I know he is laughing his head off at all of us being so sad, it was not his way, but he came into our lives and no one could ever say that he did not have a positive and lasting impact on us all, for which I shall always be grateful.

Love you and miss you terribly.

Kate Wingham